YES - there are for the longer runs.
22km Donna Double
(course longest distance between aid stations approx 6km)
Hydration of 500ml (we recommend 1L).
Snake bandage - 10cm, elasticised (preferably two)
Mobile phone
Wet weather jacket seam sealed / thermal ONLY IF ADVISED PRIOR TO RACE DUE TO COLD/WET WEATHER
The Golden Trail National Series - a roster of four runs across Australia - gives trail runners a shot at winning their way to the Golden Trail World Series Grand Finale in Europe. Focusing on shorter distance (usually 20-30km) races with good mountain vert (1000m + where possible), this is fast and furious racing at its best! Join the action first up at Warburton Trail Fest in the Donna Double, the inaugural Golden Trail National Series event!
AID STATIONS: 7km, 11km, 15km
ASCENT: 1333m (approx ** all in first half **)
CUT OFF: 2.5hours @ halfway with grace. Expected last finisher 4hr30min
MENS // 1:55:55 // Matt Schepisi
WOMENS // 2:08:57 // Simone Brick
So, here it is, yes a vertical kilometre (lower case V & K... we're not looking for any official Skyrun accreditation here, what we are saying is that you rise a vertical kilometre when you run this one. In only 8km. It's just maths). The total distance up to the top of Donna is 11km, but you ping the 1000m vertical mark at 8km. Then you punch through some stunning tall eucalyptus and fern forest on Mt Victoria, before popping out at the summit of Mt Donna Buang (1250m ASL). And then? Well... the run's not over. No, no, no, dear runner. Yep, you HAVE to run back down again (insert evil villain laughter here). Yes. It's gonna hurt your quads. #sorrynotsorry. Did we mention as part of this run you will take on one of the Southern Hemisphere's steepest residential streets. We didn't? Forget I said anything... You'll love it. Trust us.
There are TWO wave starts for this event. It is extremely important that you allocate yourself into the correct wave start when you register online and that on the day you stick to your allocated wave.
This is primarily for your safety and also your and everyone's running enjoyment!
The reason for two wave starts is due to the out and back nature of the course and the steep single track section from KM 2.5 to KM 8.5. We want to ensure that none of the faster runners end up barreling down this section while slower runners are still ascending this section. Hence, we have designed the wave starts and the course to ensure that by the time the lead runners (indeed any runner) get back to the start of the steep descent, that all slower participants have already passed through the 8.5km mark and therefore are all on safer, undulating trails when and if there is any crossover of runners still going towards the summit and those already heading back down the mountain.
The two wave starts are half an hour apart.
The FIRST WAVE is for those running a SLOWER pace. It is MOST important that faster runners DO NOT select this wave. This wave will set off at 8am. As a guide, anyone who runs a half marathon in MORE than 2 hours 40 mins should select this Wave One.
The SECOND WAVE is for those running FASTER paces. this wave will set off at 8.30am. As a guide, anyone who runs a 2hr 40min or less half marathon should select this wave.
Again, the idea here is that the faster runners will overtake the slower runner all on the ascent / uphill section, meaning everyone is moving slower (power walking - there are some sections most will not run on!) and therefore it is easy and safe to pass. And it will mean that any and all crossover of fast traffic heading back into slower traffic will take place up high on the mountain where it is undulating and there is more room on trail = safer and less annoying for all!
So please be honest and realistic in selecting your wave. Either a slower runner in the fast wave or a fast runner in the slow wave will ruin it for all! So be courteous!